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IA-ConCreep History

IA-ConCreep History

Creep, shrinkage and durability of concrete and concrete structures have been the focus of longstanding conferences that initiated more that fifty years ago. The first three conferences took place in Munich organized by Prof. Ruesch and Prof.  Wittmann (1958, 1968), and in Leeds organized by Prof. Neville (1978). The fourth conference was held in Evanston in 1986, organized by Prof. Bažant. In 1993, the conference was held in Barcelona, organized by Prof. Carol and Prof. Bažant and the acronym CONCREEP was coined at that time for this series of events.  Until that point, each conference had been organized under the auspices of RILEM, with the sponsorship of national institutions and partners from industry. On the occasion of the CONCREEP-6 conference, the international association IA-CONCREEP was established under the leadership of the Founding Presidents, Prof. Bažant and Prof. Wittmann, with the purpose of sponsoring the CONCREEP conference series permanently. This was intended to meet the needs of a growing community of researchers and scientists as well as to ensure a high scientific level of the conferences. The first conference under the auspice of IA-CONCREEP, CONCREEP-6, was organized in Cambridge (USA) by Prof. Ulm in 2001.

History with Bažant Part: 1

History with Bažant Part: 2

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