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Past President

Christian Hellmich, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

Vienna University of Technology 



Dr. Christian Hellmich, Fellow of EMI-ASCE and corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, is Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and director of the Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). There he obtained all his academic degrees, having spent the years 2000 to 2002 as postdoctoral fellow at M.I.T.


He is well known for well-validated material and (micro)structural models, in terms of theoretical foundations and applications to concrete, soil, rock, wood, bone, and biomedical implants, up the structural level (tunnels, pipelines, bridges, biological organs such as the skeleton) - with complementary experimental activities if necessary. 

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